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    Brett grew up in Utah.  He has two brothers, six sisters, and lots of nieces and nephews. His family enjoys being together and all of the kids have fun together.

    After Brett graduated from high school he served a two-year mission for our church in the Philippines. After his mission, Brett attended Utah State University and earned a degree in Mechanical Engineering. He is currently working as a design engineer. Brett is very athletic and competitive. He played basketball and tennis in high school and still enjoys playing any sport any chance he gets. Brett also really enjoys the water. He loves snorkeling and scuba diving. At home, Brett spends his time playing with Carson, fixing our cars or something around the house, baking, and reading about travel destinations. Brett is an amazing husband. He is very respectful to me and is always supportive. We have so much fun together! He is a big goof ball and can always make me laugh. I love watching Brett interact and play with Carson. He is an amazing Dad! He is very involved in caring for Carson and loves to play with him.

Brett by Kristie

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